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Economic Indicators
Aug 29, 2023
Bottom Line:  Prices rose in June as the housing market continued to rebound in the months leading up to the latest surge in mortgage rates. Prices were higher in nearly every primary metro market. The strongest markets were some of...
BID Newsletters
Nov 22, 2023
As CFIs strive to build successful DEI initiatives, embracing the strategies that have helped other businesses boost their own efforts will be key. We’ve highlighted some of the approaches that have helped other organizations build successful DEI initiatives.
May 5, 2022
Diversity, equity, and inclusion are priorities for community financial institutions. Attracting and retaining diverse talent is essential to long-term success, but fostering a culture of inclusion can be difficult and requires ongoing effort. We give you some tips on how to create an inclusive workplace to maximize employee engagement and retention.
Aug 19, 2022
With one-third of the country unable to secure traditional lending, some employers have begun adding loans for employees with adequate income but low credit scores to their benefit offerings. This allows employees to borrow funds and rebuild credit responsibly, while avoiding fees from siphoning off retirement savings.
Sep 5, 2023
Efforts to boost DEI soared a few years ago, but research shows that some companies are having difficulties keeping pace in the long term. We discuss what to do if your company is experiencing diversity fatigue and provide tips for staying on track with your DEI goals.
Aug 29, 2023
Ensuring a truly diverse board necessitates identifying weaknesses in your current board composition and working toward filling those gaps. While gender and race are major factors in board diversity, they are not the only things that organizations should seek in their quest for diverse thinking and oversight.
May 17, 2023
The business case for hiring staff from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds is strong, both for institutions and the wider community. While many CFIs have a track record of championing diversity, equity, and inclusion in terms of race and gender, we consider what they can do to bolster their efforts in this often-forgotten area.
Oct 31, 2023
As CFIs strive to make greater inroads with younger generations, both as customers and employees, a Gen Z advisory board may be the key to gaining the critical insight necessary to do so in the most effective way. We provide examples of businesses that have implemented this strategy and how it could help your organization.
May 18, 2023
Managing further economic downturns, liquidity, and cybersecurity are just a few of the many concerns at the forefront of bank leaders’ minds, according to Bank Director’s 2023 Risk Survey. We summarize some of the key findings and suggest ways for CFIs to mitigate the challenges.
Feb 16, 2023
Regulators are cracking down on big banks for greenwashing and “social washing”. We provide three steps to help leverage your green and social credentials to build trust and loyalty.
Jan 3, 2023
As CFIs seek to plug gaps within their IT skill sets, externships provide a novel approach to supplementing expertise, identifying promising technology offerings, and recruiting qualified young employees.
May 16, 2022
Zillennials are a micro-generation between Gen Z and millennials that have grown by five million employees in the past 5Ys, according to the US Bureau of Labor. They have also grown highly dissatisfied with their jobs. We provide highlights from a new study and guide you on how to appeal to this micro-generation.
Mar 25, 2024
Women are launching businesses at a more aggressive rate than men, yet lending disparities continue to favor men as entrepreneurs. With women-owned businesses representing $2.7T in revenue, CFIs should be actively targeting this group.
Mar 4, 2024
Compliance under Section 1071 of the Dodd-Frank Act will likely pose the biggest burdens on the smallest institutions subject to the new rule. While there are still efforts to block it, the compliance deadline is quickly approaching. We delve into what you should know to start compliance efforts before the regulations take effect.
Dec 21, 2023
Offering financial services to unbanked and underbanked consumers can help CFIs grow their customer bases and strengthen their communities. We discuss the most common groups who are not utilizing banking services, the factors behind their financial decisions, and how you can reach them as customers.
Dec 19, 2023
The Community Reinvestment Act is getting modernized with the issuance of a new rule that reflects how the delivery of financial services has vastly changed in nearly 50Ys. We delve into the details, particularly how the new rule will impact community banks and what they should do to prepare for the first phase of implementation, slated for 2026.
Oct 4, 2023
Emerging technologies and changing work arrangements are increasing the banking industry’s abilities to better serve disabled people — both customers and employees alike. We highlight new inclusive innovations within the industry that CFIs should consider taking advantage of.
Jul 13, 2023
Taking steps to make your CFI more user-friendly for persons with disabilities can also translate to greater customer satisfaction. With heightened ADA rules pending, auditing your ADA friendliness is a smart thing to do.
Dec 12, 2022
Individuals with disabilities comprise a large portion of the population. CFIs that don’t take steps to tailor services and the customer service experience for this demographic could lose these customers to organizations that do.
Nov 3, 2022
When employers have four-year college degree requirements for open positions, they exclude more than 60% of the working population. By focusing on the skills required to perform a job rather than on applicants’ education and credentials, employers may be able to improve diversity and performance while filling open positions.