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Dec 8, 2023
With recent market downturns, interest rate fluctuations, and even liquidity issues, stress testing can allow you to identify potential risk in your portfolio and the impact on earnings, liquidity, and capital. Where do you start? Checkout this paper that offers 6 stress testing tips to see the possible risks in your portfolio and the impact on earnings, liquidity and capital.
BID Newsletters
Apr 19, 2023
Loan-to-deposit ratios rose throughout 2022, with average CFI rates nearing 80%. Banks are also borrowing more from alternative sources to make up for lagging deposit growth.
Mar 1, 2023
Due to inflation and rising interest rates, liquidity is tight, and is expected to get tighter this year. Effective liquidity management strategies can help CFIs take advantage of a more attractive rate environment. Here are a few ideas that may help.
Dec 12, 2023
We interviewed industry expert and PCBB’s President Mike Dohren about the key trends CFIs should look out for in 2024, including increased cyber risk, funding and liquidity struggles, and credit quality.
May 18, 2023
Managing further economic downturns, liquidity, and cybersecurity are just a few of the many concerns at the forefront of bank leaders’ minds, according to Bank Director’s 2023 Risk Survey. We summarize some of the key findings and suggest ways for CFIs to mitigate the challenges.
Mar 10, 2023
Incentives are effective tools for motivating employees. As the economic environment changes and liquidity tightens, make sure the incentive programs you have in place support your organization’s current goals and make sense for your staff.
Jan 23, 2023
Some CFIs are finding that rising interest rates are causing their current calculated asset levels to show up as negative under the tangible capital rule used by Federal Home Loan Bank. Financial organizations across the country are asking for relief.
May 11, 2022
Bankers have long been waiting for interest rates to increase so that net interest margins would rise. Yet, there are other factors in play today, such as high inflation, labor shortages, and credit risk. We review the current rising rate landscape and provide approaches to manage through it successfully.
Apr 24, 2024
CFIs looking to grow their business may want to focus on the growing needs of small- and medium-sized businesses that are also looking to scale. We spotlight three financial institutions that are doing just that.
Apr 3, 2024
Why is now a beneficial time to consider a loan participation? Peter Dewes, PCBB’s Senior Vice President and Senior Lending Officer, shares his insights for community financial institutions to consider.
Mar 28, 2024
The Federal Reserve has released its 2024 stress testing scenarios: its primary tool to assess the largest banks’ fiscal health resiliency by estimating losses, net revenue, and capital levels under hypothetical recession scenarios. This year’s severely adverse scenario includes unemployment reaching 10%, a widening spread on corporate bonds, and dramatic declines in asset prices. We summarize the scenarios and determine how they can help CFIs devise their own tests to improve their capital planning and risk management.
Mar 11, 2024
Private equity firms and other private investors are showing more interest in CFI deals. We detail what CFIs should consider in the event a PE offer arrives and how to prepare if your CFI accepts a PE investment.
Mar 7, 2024
CFIs continue to dominate agricultural lending, but lending on the whole is down and unlikely to rebound in the immediate future. We discuss why CFIs should continue actively engaging with agricultural borrowers and what they should know about the trends facing this sector.
Mar 5, 2024
Higher interest rates and the cost burden they impose are driving a cycle of deleveraging and cash conservation at many companies. Small business owners are balancing the need to offset higher interest expenses and lessened credit availability while also addressing competing demands for strategic growth. We provide tips for how CFIs can help their business customers align their capital with their strategic plans.
Feb 27, 2024
It’s not clear if or when the CRE market will return to pre-pandemic levels, but experts say there are steps that banks with significant exposure to the space can take to help mitigate losses. We suggest five ways to navigate the slump.
Feb 21, 2024
The OCC recently published its autumn statement on key risks facing the federal banking system. We summarize these risks and suggest ways CFIs can mitigate them to improve their institution’s resilience.
Feb 15, 2024
As expectations for personalized financial services grow, CFIs have an opportunity to peg relevant messaging to life and business events. Institutions can use starting key milestone triggers for marketing activity in near real time. We review some examples of what major triggers could be for both consumers and business customers as well as what types of products and services to market to that customer in response.
Jan 24, 2024
Economists are predicting a downturn in consumer spending this year along with a slowing economy. We discuss strategies CFIs can use to prepare themselves and their small business customers for the impact.
Jan 17, 2024
A CFI’s bond portfolio can face serious risk when interest rates rise. Duration hedging can help moderate that risk, but many financial institutions don’t use it. We review the most common duration hedging strategies to consider for interest rate risk mitigation.
Jan 10, 2024
Global B2B activity is poised to reach $111T in 2027, yet businesses are looking to nontraditional providers to fill their needs. Now is the time for CFIs to take a fresh look at their commercial payment services and revamp them to attract business customers with B2B needs before they land elsewhere.